Gold Panning Demonstrations
We supply the paydirt and show you how. We’ll also tell you where else to go for recreational gold panning. Please see our gold panning page for more information.
Take a Tour
Hear the story of Peter Strong, the old prospector who dug a gold mine and built the log cabin and assay office here in the early 1900s, and many other Alaskan adventure tales. Take a look at some of the tools and other historic artifacts in our mini museum. Interpretive signs explain mining, plant life and local history.
Bring Your Binoculars
Enjoy spectacular views of Turnagain Arm and the bore tide
while you relax at our picnic tables and benches. See Beluga whales persue the hooligan in May and the salmon runs in late summer. Watch eagles circle overhead. Or wander around our homestead style garden, to look at summer vegetables and flowers, native plants and songbirds.